Eric - great short summary - there is a BOOK in here somewhere - follow the money - who benefits ? . SBF is/was Massive donor to Dem Party. His parents are huge bundlers for Liz Warren, FTX is Bahamian Corp. so outside U.S. regs - (can foreign company donate to US campaigns ?) Legendary short seller Marc Cahodes has been all over this FTX bullshit since October or earlier. You can't make this shit up .... his Chief Regulatory officer, Daniel S Friedburg, played a KEY role in mid 2000's Online Poker Cheating Scandal at Ultimate Bet - brand new article just landed by Haley Hintz on "Poker.org" website . SBF's "Partner" , FTX Co-Founder - Gary Wang is man of mystery - early success supposedly trading BTC arb pairs - requires(d) CASH money - lots of it. Where did it come from ? Who mentored SBF ? Stories flying all over about his "Alameda Research". family office that was purportedly using client funds from FTX to speculate in shitcoins like LUNA and CEL - so maybe his bailout offer to Voyager and Celsius was just self preservation action.... ? who the hell knows - - check out Cahodes take on FTX on Hedgeeye Video Chat

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Thanks man! It just took me about 3 hours to try and stuff this story into 300 words for Taibbi's America This Week. There's so much, so many angles. When I wrote this Tuesday I think I didnt know much....but now Jesus! I think you are right about Alameda....They "borrowed" customer money and put up their FTT tokens as collateral....which of course is now worth zero for all intents and purposes. I put the Dem donations in along with a picture of Sam and Maxine Waters arm in arm! I am going to do a full write up here, maybe tomorrow........it really pays to let it develop.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Over the weekend multiple tweets from Andrew Ross-Sorkin advise that he is INTERVIEWING SBF at Wednesday's NYT Deal book Summit - sharing the dais with Zelenski and Yellen . Truth is stranger than fiction .... my bet is SBF does it ( if at all) via a remote video linkup . He has said he's going to be there - then later said maybe not. I think if he is on US soil he's either subject to arrest and/or being suicided . Ever listen to Whitney Webb ? She's got the mother of all conspiracy theories linking these clowns to Epstein and the Clintons and on and on ..... trying to kill bitcoin to help usher in a new US Digital Dollar .

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